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Civic Tech Toronto Hacknight: October 6

Twelfth hacknight – 15 participants

Presenter: Iris Ko

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Breakout groups:

  • Toronto Budget Project – Henrik
  • Scraping orders-in-council – Alex

Thanks to Design Cofounders for hosting us, and to ThoughtWorks for dinner!

1 thought on “Civic Tech Toronto Hacknight: October 6”

  1. Workgroup: Toronto Budget Project
    Participants: Henrik Bechmann, Ryan Bigge, Emily Fan

    We planned a workshop with representative potential users of the to-be-built Project Website Portal with the goals of
    – obtaining priorities for the high level features identified so far
    – obtaining new features identified as being important to the users

    Users drawn from the Better Budget TO network of people, thanks to their offer.

    The workshop to be held at a regular Civic Tech Toronto hacknight, on Nov 10, facilitated by Ryan, Emily, and Howard

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