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Civic Tech Toronto hacknight: Nov 3

Sixteenth hacknight – 18 participants.

Presenter: Cindy Tan.

Slides, LinkedIn/CivicAction research findings:

Cindy’s slides:

Breakout groups:

  • Toronto Budget – Emily
  • Planning application scraper – Gabe
  • Civic Tech 101 – Howard
  • Tracking city councillors’ voting records – Alan
  • Plain language & government websites – Matthew
  • Conversation about building community and common cause – Alex T. [combined with CT101]

2 thoughts on “Civic Tech Toronto hacknight: Nov 3”

  1. Workgroup: Toronto Budget Project
    Participants: Emily Fan, David Dou, Henrik Bechmann, Howard Tam

    We reviewed tasks leading up to next week’s workshop, and the agenda for the workshop.

    We had a vigorous exploration and discussion on approaches to visualization, including the merit or lack of merit of comparing budget item trends between different levels of the budget. This is a capability that is apparently not commonly available.

  2. Planning application scraper group: Gabe & Josh

    We had an ambitious plan for the evening, and we made pretty good progress:
    – get set up on github: done
    – make DB schema: done
    – parse the data: done
    – insert into an SQL database: not done
    – set up a cronjob: not done
    – allow basic database queries: not done

    So… it’s easy to guess what we’ll be doing next week.

    Here’s our repo:

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