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Hacknight #27: Feb 2

Twenty-seventh hacknight – 42 participants.

Presenter: Anthea Foyer, City of Mississauga

Breakout groups:

  • Toronto budget – Henrik
  • Civic Tech 101 – Emily
  • User Research 101 workshop beta test – Helén
  • WelcomeHomeTO – Craig
  • Open Cabinet – Alex
  • NextBus data archive opportunities – Kevin
  • Human Experience Design – Howard

Thanks to (Josh and) Mozilla for hosting us! And thanks to Urban+Digital for food.

2 thoughts on “Hacknight #27: Feb 2”

  1. Howard (slack:@howard & twitter:@htamTO)

    Human Experience Design: We discussed different methods and ideas to collect user feedback on living and experiences spaces/buildings in cities – very good and detailed discussion. Ideas will be posted on a google doc and linked in Slack. Also will be starting a new Slack Channel Great Human Experiences TO

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