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Hacknight #32: Mar 8

Thirty-second hacknight; 44 participants.

Presenter: Demond Drummer (remote)

{video to come}

Breakout groups:

  • Toronto Budget – Henrik
  • Councilmatic – Patrick
  • Refugees Welcome – Craig
  • Experiential design for cities – Paul
  • Toronto meshnet – Ben
  • “Blue belt” / water issues – Irene
  • Civic Tech 101 – Alex

1 thought on “Hacknight #32: Mar 8”

  1. Workgroup: Toronto Budget Project
    Participants: Henrik Bechmann, Reema Tarzi, Brian Reid, William Lachance, Gregory de Souza, with help from David Hains

    I’m super pleased to announce that Reema has agreed to help us with project management by, well, taking on the role of project manager! Having a professional project manager on board will no doubt help enormously in moving this project forward. Welcome Reema!

    I’ll continue to be project lead and chief architect.

    – Brian and William are tackling the database design for the budget explorer β€” one of the most critical pieces of the work
    – Gregory is tackling design of the budget roadmap β€” amazingly nuanced and tricky in its own right
    – Simone is tackling the interface of the first user experiences of the budget explorer β€” also critical obviously, as well as the overall look of the site
    – Marc is continuing to make progress on the website server

    We’re blessed with people who are all uniquely qualified to achieve results in these areas! So progress is steady, and most important the people involved are awesome.

    I’m continuing to beaver away at the website foundation work, and generally assembling project assets, so that those folks hopefully have what they need when they need it.

    go team go!!

    – Henrik

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