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Hacknight #34: Mar 22 – Michael-Owen Liston


Thirty-fourth hacknight – 59 participants.

Presenter: Michael-Owen Liston {video to come}

Breakout groups:

  • Civic Tech 101: Gabe
  • Toronto budget project: Henrik
  • Experiential design in cities / transit: Paul
  • WelcomeHomeTO / digital platform: Derahkshan
  • Freeing/visualizing elections data: Peter
  • Toronto Meshnet: Ben
  • Interactive map of 10-year capital budget: Gar
  • City of Brains / how people access mental health services: Mark
  • Refugee private sponsor experience brainstorm: Russell
  • Mapping Community Benefit Agreements: Salomeh




1 thought on “Hacknight #34: Mar 22 – Michael-Owen Liston”

  1. Workgroup: Toronto Budget Project
    Participants: Henrik, Greg, Will, Reema
    Others came by: Luis, Daniel, Gar

    Discussed requirements details of initial budget roadmap and budget explorer, as well as modelling guidelines for same.

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