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Hacknight #40: May 3rd – Brookfield Institute Hack2Action

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Fortieth hacknight – 58 participants.

Hack2Action team: Alex Chen, Bradley McGinn, Megan Anevich, Andrew Clare, Mackenzie Nichols and Adisa Julien

Breakout groups:

  • Budgetpedia project: Henrik
  • Welcome Home TO (refugee settlement): Craig
  • “Free the Electorate” / mapping election poll data: Peter
  • City of Brains / accessing mental health services: Mark
  • Councilmatic / tracking what’s happening at city hall: patcon
  • Community (Open) Data Portal: patcon
  • Toronto Meshnet: Ben
  • Landlord Watchlist: Yale
  • Maker Festival / outdoor exhibits: Vicki
  • Mining data about the real costs of climate change: Ric

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