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Hacknight #51: Liane Fernandes from Mississauga Halton Local Health Integration Network (LHIN)

Fifty-first hacknight – 59 participants.

Presenter: Liane Fernandes from Mississauga Halton Local Health Integration Network (LHIN)

{video to come}

Breakout groups:

  • Civic Tech 101: Matthew
  • Mapping (healthcare) demand & supply: Oliver {scoping/everyone!}
  • City of Brains: Mark {website work & discussion}
  • Budgetpedia: Henrik {advocacy planning}
  • Freedom of Information (FOI) help & sharing: Jessica {planning & web dev}
  • User research for community wifi/mesh: Nahum {scoping}
  • Toronto Meshnet / MeshTO: Garry {planning}
  • Project Lab: Gabe

Thanks again to the Atkinson Foundation for hosting us, and for dinner!

1 thought on “Hacknight #51: Liane Fernandes from Mississauga Halton Local Health Integration Network (LHIN)”

  1. Project Lab, Jul 19

    Participants: Zakaria, Abdi, Howard, Cheryl, Hanifa, Gabe, Jenn

    where does section 37 funding go?
    (it seems arbitrary, and not very transparent!)
    I’d like to know if that money actually goes back into the communities it came from
    I’m especially interested in Scarborough

    there’s no appetite from city councillors to bring more transparency to this, because they benefit from it
    the guideline is that the monies have to be used within 500m
    it’s a guideline, not a rule

    would it be possible to track the money?
    Aaron Moore, a post-doc at IMFG, did a study of section 37 monies, and published what he found
    I don’t think anyone has updated it
    he compared it to Vancouver, and suggested ways that Toronto’s system could be improved

    some of the data would be in council minutes
    the formula for calculating developer contributions is opaque and developers often find it frustrating

    long-term: this should be an open dataset published by the City
    short-term: it’d be great to update this data, and keep it up-to-date
    what organization could support that work, in the meantime?

    there’s an equity issue
    because there’s not much development happening outside of downtown, there’s less money available to fund necessities in those areas

    orgs who could support this: IMFG, Neptis, Ryerson City Building Institute, YorkU?, any academic planning researchers?
    Social Planning Toronto?

    in the long version of Aaron’s paper (which may not be online?), he describes the process he used for getting the data
    we might also be able to get in touch with him

    next steps:
    – talk to Aaron: he would know if anyone else is working on this
    – Abdi is up for helping get this initiative off the ground(!!) and will start a Slack channel: #s_37
    – Howard is up for advising, and can try to track down Aaron
    – after talking to Aaron, we can decide if/how to reach out to organizations who could support this ongoing
    – we can also reach out to City Planning (and Open Data) to ask for the data to be made open


    police-community relations
    a site for Torontonians to register positive or negative interactions they’ve had with police
    we hear about *terrible* interactions, but not about the “just kinda annoying” ones, or positive ones
    data is important for validating the community’s concerns!
    domino effect framework:
    C.O. -> Toronto Life article -> Data project -> court action (force data release)? -> End carding (is that the goal?)

    TPS announce open data competition today!
    TPS open data portal:
    Paul Ainslie wants TPS to release open data:


    human-centred design
    asking the community what they want
    not all civic tech projects are driven by that, but maybe they should be!
    a more community-centred approach
    having the community be part of the process
    especially interested in projects that help marginalized groups

    urban design, tactical urbanism
    there’s lots of stuff going on, but no central points for collecting examples, case studies
    so that communities can learn from each others’ experiences
    it could be kind of like a civic tech, but branded differently. urban design, etc.

    i’m working on a training module for the budgetpedia group
    doing external research, to see if other cities/countries have good portals, training sites
    and then i’ll ask people/users about what they’d like to know about the budget
    and then build some personas
    then build out a training module

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