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Hacknight #74 – Gabriel Eidelman and Bianca Wylie on the City Hall Task Force

Seventy-fourth hacknight: 86 participants (a new record!)

Presenters: Gabriel Eidelman and Bianca Wylie on the City Hall Task Force

Breakout groups:

  • Civic Tech 101 (Elena) ← go here if it’s your first time!
  • Tracking subway reliability (Raphael) – scoping, scraping
  • (Derek) – online public consultation/data release
  • Community/citizen data portal (Patcon)
  • Budgetpedia (Rob) –
  • Guerilla Archiving (Dawn) – documenting and sharing outcomes
  • DemocracyKit (Chris) – a kit for running municipal election campaigns
  • Bullying map (Isham) – data gathering
  • Democracy/data science (Jordan)
  • DemocracyKit (Chris)
  • TPL digital hub booking tool (Josh)
  • Tree data (Jordan and Michael)
  • Open data census (Bianca)


Thanks to the University of Toronto School of Public Policy and Governance for hosting us!

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