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Hacknight #75 – Jane Hilderman and Christina Vietinghoff from Samara Canada

Seventy-fifth hacknight: 64 participants

Presenters: Jane Hilderman and Christina Vietinghoff from Samara Canada

Breakout groups:

  • Civic Tech 101 (Elena) ← go here if it’s your first time!
  • vKanata – (Derek) online public consultations
  • Councilmatic (Gabe) – python dev, user research/testing
  • PCOC / (Sharky) – Carding / understanding your rights
  • City of Brains (Mark) – marketing, data analysis / mental health -> policy change
  • DemocracyKit (Chris) – building a kit to support municipal candidates
  • (Hesham) – releasing & visualizing data
  • Guerilla Archiving (Matt) – fresh semi-tech eyes / Chrome extension / work harvester
  • Budgetpedia (Rob) – feedback, UX
  • Real-time subway location data (Raphael) – what next?! / data analysis

Thanks to the University of Toronto School of Public Policy and Governance for hosting us!

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