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Hacknight #84 – Laura Yu from Ontario Centres of Excellence

Laura Yu

Laura Yu from Ontario Centres of Excellence, on the Small Business Innovation Challenge

Laura Yu
Laura Yu from Ontario Centres of Excellence

Video coming soon!

Attendance: 72

Breakout groups:

  • Guerrilla Archiving (Dawn) ← archiving at-risk US data, need documentation and security folks, people with experience in distributed development
  • Budgetpedia (Hillary) ← Make budget more accessible, looking for city staff, UX folks, feedback
  • DemocracyKit (Sebastian) ← build resource kit for local candidates, need help gathering data
  • City Of Brains (Katrina) ← Connecting mental health stories, website revamp, UX testing
  • Tracking TTC vehicles (Raphael) ← developing political will to fix transit, need python!
  • Travel Times CodeAcross Project (Bo) ← Historical Data/Front End
  • Critical Thinking Skills Assessment (Caroline) ← Need for accountability, brainstorming
  • Innovation Office Chat (Gabe/Laura) ← Fun for innovation nerds

Thanks to ShopifyΒ for hosting us!

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