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Hacknight #96 with Siri Agrell

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Presenter: Siri Agrell (@SiriAgrell) – Director of Strategic Initiatives, Mayor John Tory

Hacknight #96 with Siri Agrell

Siri will present an update on the Civic Innovation Office:

The City of Toronto has created the Civic Innovation Office, which will help solve municipal service delivery challenges by creating a bridge between City divisions and Toronto’s growing innovation and technology communities.

The Civic Innovation Office will be housed within the City Manager’s Office and apply technology, data analysis and design thinking to develop and test solutions to challenges faced by Toronto residents. The office is fully funded through Bloomberg Philanthropies, a collective that works to address pressing urban challenges to improve the quality of life for local residents. Recently, Bloomberg selected Toronto as the first Canadian city to join its global network of Innovation Teams.

Attendance: 107 hackers!

Breakout Groups

Project Lead Description / Needs
Civic Tech 101 Alex Come here if it’s your first time!
Cavalaro? Farms


Pub Consultations


Guerilla Archiving




TTC Perf. Tracker










Apps for farmers, etc.

People with free time for web content

Discussion about best practices, etc.

Comparing Toronto’s budget to other similar cities

Saving environmental data from Trump. Need JS, Ruby devs for UI

Analyzing social media for community engagement

Feedback for open data portal

Questions about civic innovation office

Dashboard with performance metrics for the layman. Need SQL, etc.

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