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Hacknight #97 with Johan Macedo

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Johan Macedo from the City of Toronto presenting at hack night #97

Presenter: Johan Macedo – Manager, Common Components Group, City of Toronto

Johan Macedo from the City of Toronto presenting at hack night #97

Johan has spent the last 20+ years in product development, in startups, consulting and corporate environments. At the City of Toronto, he’s delivered many online solutions and led enterprise integrations, including 311. He spent several years leading the City’s Application Architecture practice and lately building and running a new Common Components unit.

Breakout Groups

Project Lead(s) Description / Needs
Civic Tech 101 Alex Come here if it’s your first time!
TTC Dashboard Raphael Play with TTC data
DemocracyKit Jonathan & Riley Municipal campaigns / OpenDemocracy
Budgetpedia – Tabs Arthur (Toronto Annual Budget Scorecard) Need researchers.
Social media + children’s services Ashraf Analyzing social media; sentiment analysis
City APIs Johan Ideas for using APIs to facilitate collaboration with outside orgs.

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