Presenters: Jill Crumb and Sylvie Spraakman from Cyanosleuth
Presenting: Blue Drinks Toronto and Civic Tech Toronto ( are teaming up to share ideas as part of Ontario Water Innovation Week (
Lake Erie currently experiences regular cyanobacteria blooms, and citizens don’t know whether or not these blooms are toxic. Jill Crumb and Sylvie Spraakman discussed Cyanosleuth, a mobile device app with a hardware component that provides swimmers, fisherman and scientists with rapid, site-specific information on nutrients, algae and cyanobacteria, and cyanotoxins all in the palm of their hand. They have developed this app as part of the AqauHacking 2017 Challenge. This year’s AquaHacking Challenge brought together experts, hackers, and other creative minds to form a team and work for 10 weeks to develop functional, marketable innovations to help solve Lake Erie’s water issues.