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Hacknight #269 – Reusing e-waste to increase access to technology with Ryan Fukunaga

Date: Nov 24, 2020

Topic: Reusing e-waste to increase access to technology

Free Geek Toronto is a technology reuse not-for-profit organization that uses unwanted electronics to increase access to technology, offer employment and training opportunities, and reduce the environmental impact of technology.
As an active advocate for the circular economy, Free Geek is doing its utmost to help minimize negative impacts on the environment. We focus on reuse as it decreases the amount of waste created while also giving access to technology for those who were previously unavailable at an affordable cost. Access to hardware, along with connectivity, is the first step to creating a digitally inclusive society, where technology is demystified.


  • Ryan Fukunaga – Ryan Fukunaga is the Executive Director at Free Geek Toronto, a not-for-profit social enterprise focused on increasing digital inclusion in Toronto through the reuse of technology. Ryan is a passionate advocate of capacity building, fostering a right-to-repair ethos, environmental stewardship, and building technological resiliency for marginalized communities. He aims to collectively, creatively, and critically explore the engagement of technology sustainability within the framework of community building. @RyanFukunaga on Twitter and LinkedIn

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