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Hacknight #364 – Improving web accessibility at the scale of a government with David Cox

Date: Oct 18, 2022

Topic: Improving web accessibility at the scale of a government

Digitizing services is a massive and ongoing project for governments around the world. If done correctly, this work can make taxes, permits and even healthcare simpler, faster and better for everyone. And since things like taxes aren’t optional, ‘everyone’ must be a term that includes people with disabilities and access needs.
But how exactly can a government build enough digital tools to encompass the work of an entire civil service, while keeping accessibility in mind? It’s not a full answer, but let’s explore how the UK Government’s centralised design system helps improve accessibility for hundreds of digital services, nudging everyone towards a more accessible future.


  • David Cox – David Cox is a long-time civic tech enthusiast who’s been fortunate enough to work in tech within the civil service. On weekdays, he’s on a mission to drink lots of tea and improve accessibility through the UK Government’s design system. On weekends, he’s a Canadian tourist, exploring London’s endless foods, sights, and rainy weather.

Venue: Metro Hall

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