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Hacknight #238 – Nomadic Labs with Luisa Ji & Sharon Kennedy

Date: Apr 21, 2020

Topic: Nomadic Labs

Luisa and Sharon (the two founders of Nomadic Labs) will be sharing their intentionally slow journey of building a digital studio and collaborating with social-good organizations to create design and technology. The talk will be in interview format – Luisa and Sharon will interview each other!


  • Luisa Ji – Luisa Ji is one of the two founders of Nomadic Labs, a digital studio working with social impact organizations, developing strategy and digital tools that enable people to manifest their purposes and build communities. Luisa has a background in architecture (M.ARCH) and a keen eye on identifying opportunities for bridging the digital with the physical spaces. Her work is entangled with organizations and entrepreneurs who imagine futures that are abundant, collaborative, and convivial, including the Design Futures Initiative (San Francisco) and UKAI Project
  • Sharon Kennedy – Sharon is a full-stack developer and co-founder of Nomadic Labs. She has been one of the lead developers on the Women and Color project.
    Sharon Kennedy is a multi-disciplinary software developer with experience in full-stack web development, web design, graphic design, online communications, and project management. She is passionate about achieving meaningful impact with technology, which has taken her career on interesting turns from a UN agency in Dakar to a tech startup in Barcelona to a health tech company in Toronto.

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