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Hack night #45: June 7th – Monique Baena-Tan from Code for America


Forty-fifth Hacknight – 64 participants.

Presenter: Monique Baena-Tan for Code for America

Breakout groups:

  • Civic Tech 101: Alex
  • Budgetpedia: Henrik
  • City of Brains: Mark
  • Toronto Meshnet: Ben
  • Remote door opener: Marika
  • Philanthropy data 101: Ada
  • Mapping and visualizing Ontario election data: Peter
  • Councilmatic / tracking what’s happening at city hall: patcon
  • Accessing legal information while in detention app: Joanna

1 thought on “Hack night #45: June 7th – Monique Baena-Tan from Code for America”

  1. Report from the City of Brains project:
    James, Mark, Josh, Kejo, Bianca

    1. Reviewed “guard rails” for the site’s design (likes/dislikes)
    2. Created two options for story capture for next version
    3. Discussed workflow in terms of editorial – titling posts, etc.
    4. Decided on next design iteration – photo in header, etc.
    5. Discussed contact options – basics for help lines, including 211
    6. Decided on a few options to increase story collection/project visibility – including upcoming TPL library hack

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