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Hacknight #55: Dave Colangelo

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Fifty-fifth hacknight; 61 participants.

Presenter: Dave Colangelo

Breakout groups:

  • Civic Tech 101: Gabe
  • Documentary-in-a-weekend workshop: Mohamed
  • STEM research: Andrew
  • Philanthropy 101: Ada {mapping; charities}
  • Police Complaints on Carding (PCOC): Zakaria {outreach strategy}
  • Section 37 transparency: Abdi
  • Budgetpedia: Henrik {branding & outreach}
  • Mapping Ontario election data: Peter {checking in; web app}
  • Health Atlas: Oliver
  • Poverty Reduction Hackathon: Reema & Bianca {landlordwatch; 211 data}

Thanks to InterAccess for hosting us!

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