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Hacknight #79 – David Janes

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Seventy-ninth hacknight; 49 participants.

Presenter: David Janes (@dpjanes)

Breakout groups:

  • Civic Tech 101 (Sharon) ← go here if it’s your first time!
  • Budgetpedia (Henrik) ← improving user experience, UI, user research, personas (ux)
  • CivicTech website (Patrick) CSS help
  • DemocracyKit (Chris) ← building resources for municipal campaigns.
  • TTC subway tracker (Raph) ← performance monitoring. {DATA. python. Automating. APIs. Opinions.}
  • Councilmatic (Gabe) ← communicating city hall activity {testing user interviews, TMMIS users. }
  • PCOC (Sharky) ← racial profiling. {education. Legal mean for keeping accountable}
  • TPL booking system (Ciel) ← booking digital innovation hub assets. {}
  • Guerrilla Archiving (Sharly) ← improving scrapers. App for in-person events.

Thanks to HackerYou for hosting us, and for dinner!

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