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Hacknight #86 – City of Toronto Human Services Finder Tool

Presenters: Rebecca Turner from the City of Toronto presenting the City of Toronto’s new Human Services Finder Tool, which enables Torontonians to receive a personalized list of benefits, subsidies and services they may qualify for, based on a short questionnaire.

Rebecca Turner from the City of Toronto

Attendance: 52 hackers

Breakout groups:

  • Civic Tech 101 (Alex) ← go here if it’s your first time!
  • Budgetpedia (Henrik) ← Make budget more accessible, looking for UX/Frontend/React
  • DemocracyKit (Scarlet) ← online resource kit for local candidates – completing team site/content
  • The Carded/PCOC (Sharky) ← carding/racial profiling – digital/print graphics & Illustrators
  • Guerilla Archiving Project ← harvest and curate EPA data under threat – New UI, next steps
  • TPL Booking App (Lina) ← hiatus
  • Tracking TTC vehicles (Raphael) ← transit performance metrics – SQL/Python
  • Travel Times CodeAcross Project (Bo) ← Transportation archival data – any interested folks

Thanks to MyplanetΒ for hosting us!

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