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Civic Tech Toronto Hacknight: October 20

Fourteenth hacknight – 20 participants

Speaker: Michelle Senayah from The Laneway Project and Open Streets TO

Presentation: “Rethinking Toronto’s Public Space”


Things to check out:

Hacknight breakout groups:

  • Toronto Budget Project – Emily
  • Scraping orders-in-council – Alex
  • Tiny House Project – Saad

Thanks to our friends at MaRS Studio[Y] for hosting us, and to ThoughtWorks for dinner!


1 thought on “Civic Tech Toronto Hacknight: October 20”

  1. Workgroup: Toronto Budget Project
    Participants: Meghan, Elizabeth, Jesse, Howard, Hanifa, Emily

    The group developed a detailed agenda for the upcoming User consultation for Nov 10, and a list of action items leading up to the event, including further items for discussion next meeting Nov 27.

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